What is Affection Tincture?

What is Affection Tincture?

Nothing ignites the human body more than physical touch. It is during intimate moments with someone special that we feel most alive. Sometimes, however, the body’s innate arousal responses can use a little boost. Suppressed libido or lack of physical sensitivity due to stress, suppressed immune system, or hormonal dysregulation can prevent us from enjoying the intense and passionate intimacy that our bodies are capable of. The good news is that we have a solution. 

At Flor De Amor, we have designed a simple, safe, and effective way to stimulate and sensitize the systems that prompt one's desires for affection. Our plant-based Affection Tincture profoundly improves overall intimacy by boosting libido and easing stress.

Our powerful formula is based on our active ingredient: Damiana leaf extract. Damiana is a sweetly aromatic plant native to Mexico and Latin America that has been revered for centuries for its positive effects on the body. It is an intense aphrodisiac, has strong anxiolytic and stress relieving properties, and aids in sound and restful sleep. It has been used as hormonal support, to boost fertility, and to alleviate the symptoms of menopause.

Other active ingredients include cardamom, hawthorn fruit, and cocoa seed extract. Sweet cardamom imparts stimulant and anti-inflammatory activity, improves respiratory function, and fortifies the immune system. Hawthorn fruit acts as a potent antioxidant, increasing longevity and protecting the body from harmful free-radicals. Cocoa seed is not only soothing, but also excitatory, and adds a decadence to the tincutre’s taste.

Each 59ml tincture bottle contains 84 servings of 30 drops. The drops can be taken with water, tea, or any drink of your choice. Our products are free from additives, preservatives, and parabens. They are vegan and non-GMO.

It is recommended that you consult with a physician or qualified herbalist before use. We do not recommend use by pregnant or nursing mothers, or by children. 

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